Developing Christians



Your relationship with God

12 Steps To Living The Christian Life!

Here is the big issue: How do you go about living the Christian life in such a way that you are actually doing the living, doing the acting, doing the willing and yet Christ, or the Holy Spirit, is decisively doing the living and doing the acting and doing the willing in and through your acting and willing and doing? Find Out Here.

What is God's Will for my Life?

What is God's Will For My Life?

We all want to know the answer to that questions, right? What does the Bible say about knowing God's will? Are we living according to God's revealed will? If we expect God to reveal to us His will that we don't know, we need to adhere to His will that we do know. That’s the essential first step. Start Here

70 Bible Reading Plans

70 Bible Reading Plans

Let's be honest, you want to read the Bible, but it seems no matter how many times you 've tried you cannot get past the second or third book of the Bible. Choose from 70 reading plans one that is personalized for you. Reading Plans from 2 weeks to 2 years, to Bible Book, Topical reading plans, etc. Much More

God's compass - Life Style Devotionals

Life Style Devotionals

Daily inspiration through Bible scripture and devotional messages. With biblical insights that will enrich, enlighten and encourage you in your walk with Jesus. How can you apply God's Word to your everyday life? In your journey to realize God’s dream for your life.  Learn More Here or Sign Up Here

Steps to Spiritual Maturity Study Guide

Steps to Spiritual Maturity Study Guide

What does it take to grow up and become spiritually mature? Why do some Christians not grow as they should? God's word presents steps we can take toward growth and spiritual maturity in this study guide. We have created a unique series of study guides sent daily by email for 21 days. Check It Out or Sign Up Here

Bible Study Methods For Everyone

Bible Study Methods For everyone

Whatever methods you choose, always ask God to reveal Himself and speak to you through His Word. What does the passage you read teach you about God, and how can you apply it to your life? Although the Bible was written by more than 40 authors and contains 66 books it all ultimately tells us God's story. Look Here

Christian Resources

Christian Resources

Bring the beauty and truth of the Bible into everyday life. You can read, download and share on your smartphone or tablet. Grow more rooted in the Bible with our free collection of online resources for Bible reading plans, Devotionals, Ebooks, Bible Studies, Articles, Study Methods and. Much More Here

The Holy Spirit - god's Empowering Peace

Holy Spirit

Many Christians have never heard the powerful and liberating message of how to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Without the work of the Holy Spirit, we are helpless. God gives us the Holy Spirit so we can successfully live the Christian life and our walk with God. Tell Me More Here

Frequently Asked Questions on Christian topics.

Life's Greatest Questions

Ready to start on this journey. Most frequently asked questions. Life's journey? Does God exist?, What is God like? How can you know God personally? Why go to Church? You and your relationship with God? Questions about the Holy Spirit, Water Baptism, Prayer and understand the Bible. Uncover Much More Here

A scriptural Method of prayer.

A Scriptural Method Of Prayer

The most common prayer among Christians is the Lord's Prayer, which according to the gospel accounts (e.g., Matthew 6:9–13) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's Prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession, and petition in Christianity to God our Father. Know More Here

Online Helpful Christian Resources

Helpful Christian Resources

Online Christian resource links to helpful Resources and Ministries. These links you will find helpful in your search for truth and your walk with Christ. These internet links provided as resources and guides to resources. Here you will find some useful articles and website's to encourage and strengthen you to stay the course on building your relationship with God. Read More

Is water baptism your next step?

Water Baptism

Many people ask if it's required for Salvation? Baptism isn't an act that gets us into heaven - it is faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord that offers that assurance. Baptism (by full immersion as taught in the Bible) is an act of obedience that should be a part of our acceptance of the gift of grace offered by Jesus Christ. In short, Jesus Christ commands baptism for His followers. Read More

New Christians Survival Guide

Christians "Survival Guide"

The Christian's Survival Guide. Eight Essentials for your Christian walk. An excellent opportunity to see your faith increase.

As a Christian, we recognize the opportunity to trust God in new ways and see our faith grow in ways that we would have never seen otherwise. Start Here

New Christians Survival Guide

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